I don't like to say that I'm "sorry" for not updating this website more frequently, as the purpose of updating it is more to please myself than it is to satisfy anyone else, but I would be lying if I acted like I didn't feel a little bit of guilt, or at least was weirdly kind of stressed out by not constantly adding to it. and so to everygoer of web who happens upon this page, i might as well give a little information as to not leave you in the dark! I have been sick for like a week and it SUCKS!!! however I have been getting better and am feeling almost fresh and healthy again which is very nice. I appreciate being able to sleep, sleep is good for the body and soul. And ohh, just as the weather began to get nice and warm a few weeks ago it immediately returns to dark frozen winter slumber, despite the fact that it has been "Spring" for like a WEEK now...!! this is outrageous. but what are you going to do. I am hoping that when the nice weather actually does roll around for real this year that I can spend more time outside. I am sort of what they call an "indoor bedroom cave freak" and hardly ever go outside unless it is necessary, but I believe it will be beneficial to change that soon, so that will be a goal of mine for the upcoming springysummers.
So about the WEBSITE in particular, A.K.A. the stuff you care about: I have recently not been very fond of the current /music page, I think it is just a bit awkward and will never be fully furnished the way I wanted it to be when I thought of it. so I am taking this as a sign to get to work and work out a solution! I am hoping to do this by creating a new "collections" page, where I can stash all my records and other neat stuff I happen to accumulate, and reworking the /music page into something else, perhaps for album reviews and things like that. More generally: I feel like I need to be more relaxed with what I do on this website, I often intend to not be very strict on myself with things and just have fun and do whatever, especially on the website, but I find that very hard in practice, probably because of some part of my brain that needs everything to be uniform and correct. So another one of my goals is to in the future, just sort of get silly with it. It's in the fucking name of the website you know!
I hope that clears a few things up (*^‿^*)
Have a splendid night — off to slumberland!! xo smilicious
My new "Record label" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT
Greetings once again my lovely inhabitants of the world wide web, I understand it has been a few moments since any significant change to this website, and thankfully I have a convenient explanation as to whereabouts I have been. For the past few months, I have been working with a talented young man by the musical alias of Oily Bastard to release his fourth album "President" on the cassette tape format!!! this project has been planned for a good while now and it all finally came to fruition at the beginning of this week, on President's Day no less.
The process of this project went as follows: me and henry (the Oily Bastard in question) designed the art for the j-card, labels, etc. - Then, we sent them into this super awesome website by the name of duplication.com, they printed and sent over all of the ingredients necessary to brew up this concoction, including the cassette cases & blank tapes. Once they arrived at my home I recorded and assembled them all myself, and now after all that, they are finally ready to be shipped out!! I am really excited about this project and I have a lot of ambitious ideas of what i'd like to do next. I really hope that I am able to continue with this and release more fantastic tunes. The name of this "record label", I have decided, is Kale Mart Records. you can view Kale Mart Records's's bandcamp page and website via these handy pink links that I have included in this post for your convenience. If you do this, it will make me happy. thank you!!
"I am not at liberty to answer these questions." xo smiley 143
New beginnings — soon enough
Season's greetings from sillyweb.gourd (((o(*°▽°*)o)))
HOHOHO Merry Christmas and many a happy holiday to all who may read this. it is currently the 26th as I am writing this because of what we in the biz call "Poor time management skills". nevertheless I would like to wish you all a merry old christmas and a joyful ending of the year as well as share some of the awesome gifts I recieved...!!! to start off, Music . if it isn't painfully obvious to you from looking at this website I enjoy music probably a bit more than the average person. if you think just looking at this website is bad imagine being my family and having to life with it. However this means I recieved many awesome albums for christmas!!! see photo below ↓
YAY YAY!! I am so grateful for everything I recived this christmas .. From left 2 right top 2 bottom we have some recent re-mixed reissues of Revolver, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, and Abbey Road by the Beatles, my first beatles albums!! Next, an album I am not sure whether is titled "At the Speed of Sound" or "Wings at the Speed of Sound". nevertheless it is an album by Wings. after that is Paper Mâché Dream Balloon and Flying Microtonal Banana by King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard!!! I love king gizzard and I'm so glad to add these to my collection ... Next after that is OK Computer by Radiohead, the 2017 "OKNOTOK" edition which includes a bonus disk of b-sides and other unreleased stuff!!! ok computer is probably my favourite album ever so I am sooo happy about this one ^_^ it doesn't open like a standard tri-fold but rather like a book which I think is super cool.. all of the art is beautiful and the bonus tracks are fantastic and it sounds so good. I AM SO HAPPY!!! Finally is Walls and Bridges by John Lennon. I have never heard this album before, but my father insisted I needed my first john lennon solo record so why not! the cover is really cool, two of the segments are flaps that fold out and reveal a silly little johnny within...
I recieved several other things which I am very thankful for, but to be honest I lost the motivation to write about all of them and make a huge post about it halfway through writing this. It has been days. however to quickly summarize I recieved a Beautiful spinning fish tank lamp that is like seeing the gates of heaven, an awesome radiohead poster, the book "Fear Stalks The Land!" - a collection of writings and illustrations by Thom Yorke and Stanley Donwood ~2000, my very own digital camera, many socks including ones with Mountain Dew Baja Blast theming, and other such items. Thank you for reading this and for visiting my website!!! whether it is your first time here or you are a regular customer here at sillyburger I appreciate you for taking the time out of your year to indulge in my writings / ramblings ... I had an awesome year and I hope this next year will be even better , for me and for you. That is all from me for the time being. Sillynet Out
Sooooooo, after I uploaded the website to neocities the other day, I made the horrible discovery that, because I had been previewing the website on brackets through google chrome (for some reason?) that that it kind of looked like shit on firefox. (my main cyberspacecraft) I was already aware of firefox's stupid inability to customize scrollbars, but I was quite disappointed to find that all of my text was all fucked up. Probably due to how it renders it or something and the size that it is and it just made me feel Yuck. because, well, I'd like my website to look the way I designed it, and the fact that it was all weird and imperfect freaked me out. However, after some consideration, I don't think it looks THAT bad. it just needs some tweaking is all, which is fine with me because, heh, Well, They don't call me "The Tweaker" for nothing. So as you can see, I've equipped the blog with a spiffy new font, that bares no resemblance to any swedish video game you may be thinking of and looks good on both chrome AND firefox..!
But besides that, Something awesome happened yesterday...I RECEIVED A PACKAGE IN THE MAIL..!!!!!! Not just any package, but a package from Needlejuice Records . . . meaning, its contents are totally radical. even if it takes two months to even ship. The items i received were King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard's "Polygondwanaland", We Used To Cut The Grass #1 from the band of the same name, and Spirit Phone by Lemon Demon on cassette tape
I am very happy to finally receive these items... Polygondwanaland is my favourite king gizzard album, and despite the fact it's warped to shit and is pretty much shaped like a bowl, it sounds fantastic...! and we used to cut the grass is just a wonderful time. Also, now that I have the spirit phone tape, my lemon demon collection on vinyl, CD, and cassette is COMPLETE...!!!!...at least for now... well, as long as you don't count the original MP3.com CDs. I'm never getting my hands on those and I'm content with that.
MAJOR Website Overhaul!!!!
It is finally time.....After almost a YEAR.... SILLYNET.NEOCITIES.ORG is BACK IN ACTION...!!!
so yes, the website has been revamped. I simply grew to dislike the original rainbow checkered layout as it became pretty much impossible to edit with how i built it and i couldn't really see any way of expanding upon it or doing anything with it in the future. So i scrapped it, and i immediately got to work on a shiny new website design ....... though i slowly became dissatisfied with that one as well. then i tried again, and again, and another time or so, until eventually i just gave up for a while and decided to take a break.
And then at some point, i regained motivation to work on my website again, and began work on what would become the layout that you see now. It took me an unreasonable amount of time, but i think i have gotten it to a point i'm satisfied with publishing. Obviously, as you can see, it is not 100% complete. there is a lot of empty space and some things could probably be moved around, but that is by design. I didn't want to create a finished project and send it off into the world to never touch again (as i did before) . So I took a different approach with this revamp, starting off by releasing a basic foundation that i could add to and expand overtime, giving me something to actively do with the website.
In addition to the new homepage, the blog has also gotten completely redone. (and this time i'm actually going to use it more than once!!!) it is now beautiful and rainbow. and such. not to mention: TWO (2) Never before seen pages, /music and /links. I think both are pretty self-explanatory.
I would like to say THANK YOU!!!!! to everyone who continued to support the website and leave cool messages and stuff even though it was practically a rotting corpse. I appreciate that very much. I would also like to say SORRY that this took so long....!!!!!! but now that it's finally out i am happy to say that sillynet is here to stay. look forward to new awesome stuff in the future!!! if you have any ideas or suggestions please send them to me via electronic mail at sillynetsmailbox@gmail.com.
...and to Hunter......Wherever you are........ I'll never forget you.
the end times are approaching, as signified by the horrible evil frozen wasteland that has become of this part of the earth. and by the end times i
of course mean the end of the year. and now the land is coated in the evil freezing sludge. today i spent the day shoveling people's driveways, it was cold and my hands hurt a lot but i did it because i am a warrior and a champion . afterwards i had hot chocolate with scrumptious marshmallows and i listened to "Teens of Denial" by Car Seat Headrest for the first time. it was really really really good i would say. out of the three records i have listened to, twin fantasy face to face, teens of style, and now this, i think it might be my favourite!!! my favourite tracks were "fill in the blank", "vincent", "drunk drivers/killer whales", "cosmic hero", and "the ballad of the costa concordia".
and despite how much i dislike it, i am grateful to see the snow at all.
BLaghfh uf bladfghj ishi f words and tests and such, lots and many such words, so many words in fact, that the words surpass the single line limit for words, as it just did now, and is very close to appraoching Wooooooah there it is again. this is thrilling. thrilling testing. i'm exhilarated. i'm alive
"the bloggening "
I cannot BELIEVE I have to describe things with WORDS and not just silly graphics. Despicable.
it's fine. i'm sure i can still incorporate silly graphics somehow............ check this shit out
wow! amazing. just look at him go. i could watch this cat spin all day
anyways. Haiiiiii :3 welcome to the brand new website design!!!!!!!!!! woohoo!!!!!! after months of not doing anything i have finally emerged from my cave to actually do something with this place, i had a new theme ready for a while but decided to re-format it a bit to make more room for little knick knacks and graphics. also, i feel like i should apologize for just kind of disappearing??? i just kind of published the old website and dipped solike. sorry about that! thank you for the silly kind messages in the guestbook, they have all finally been added to the new guestbook page
as you can probably tell, i'm not very good at writing things (or in this case, typing) it feels like this has been going on on for hours when in reality all i've done so far is type 13 sentences. but hopefully if i keep doing it i'll get better!!! that is usually how these things work. didn't i already talk about this on this exact website? whatever.